On the 28th of May I participated in the Blodomloppet, which is a charity 5km run. I did it along with my host family and David, from Australia.
Me and David enjoying the Friskis & Svettis aerobics warm up! Hahah.
Other events from the last few days include watching the 3rd grades Studenten Ball, which is totally amazing. As a part of their graduation they take part in an amazing ball, insanely good dancing, the girls are in such gorgeous dresses, even more impressive than our ball dresses at home. Apparently they work for months on the dances. I kind of can't explain the awesomeness of it all, hahah, sorry folks.
This Saturday the host family and I went out to a lake about half an hour from home for a canoeing afternoon and picnic dinner on a small island (: It was great! We were also joined by two Sri Lankan's who work with my host mum who were really nice.
I'm pretty much over my sickness now. Slowly making my way back to normal sleeping patterns, and doing a little bit more than watching tv all day! Haha. I went to an aerobics class tonight, was great ;) Definitely know some people at home who would love these classes as much as I do!
I only have two classes this week and haven't had one of them yet. So have had a super relaxing two days. Which has been great. I'm definitely looking forward to summer holidays starting on Friday, and then only 3 weeks until Euro tour! I seriously can't wait..
Over and out,
PS, I also think I'm slowly becoming a little bit more Swedish, and the language is coming along a little bit. Lots of work to do though!
Oh yeah, another point. Sweden is ridiculously close to the North pole, so the sun stays up for ages! It's kinda annoying when trying to sleep but great when you're out at night (:
This was taken at 10:30pm!
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