On Sunday my host family took me to a nature reserve, called Svartåmynnigen, for a bit of fika. It's a place popular with bird watchers during the Spring. Was really nice to get out and about within Linköping and see a little bit more of what the town has to offer.
The week was fairly uneventful, just living the regular Swedish life, going to school and gym, with the occasional baking spree and fika inbetween. A continuing cold is still hanging around which sucks but you know, you grab a cup of tea and get on with it!
On Friday night my host mum took me and my host brother out for dinner. The restaurant we went to was called 'Kniv & Gaffel' or 'Knife & Fork'. Where I got to eat some good old New Zealand lamb! So good. Definitely been missing it. Then we had a good old movie night and watched Angels and Demons. Pretty good, but no where near as good as the book. As always.
Saturday meant my first trip to Göteborg, and hopefully not the last. My host mum, host brother and I left Linköping at around 9:30 to begin the trip across the country, with the temperature being a wonderful..... 2 degrees! What the heck Sweden? I thought this was Spring! After an hour or so we made a stop in a town called Gränna, to pick up some Polkagris which is hard candy. SO GOOD! In this small town of around 2,500 (I think) there were Polkagirs shops every 2 or 3 stores. So ridiculous. But it is what makes the town so whatever, Im good with that! Haha.
We carried on to Göteborg, arriving around 1 when we picked up my host dad from the airport after he had been in Austria for work. Lunch time. Then came a quick trip to an art exhibition called :And There Was Light. An exhibition on Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Rafael. I got to see the recently discovered Da Vinci painting! Pretty sweet really. Along with a whole lot of other original works by the 3 artists and also several copies, including a full size copy of Micheangelo's "David".
Then we picked up my host sister from the train station, and headed to the hotel. Then went off to my host dads sisters house to meet the family! It was his sister's husbands 50th birthday celebration and I'm glad that I got to join them. The night was to consist of a boat cruise around the Göteborg harbour and out into the archipelago and an awesome seafood dinner on board.
Oh the joys of seafood ;) me and my host sister, Anna.
It was absolutely beautiful, and the dinner was awesome. The weather even managed to clear up and warm up a bit for us. We managed to get a beautiful sunset and I also managed to get some sweet photos in there.
The beautiful sunset featuring the Swedish flag. LOVE IT
So the last few days have been spent doing the usual, school, Swedish lessons, chilling and watching movies. Particularly today as I've gotten sick, again, which sucks. Tomorrow is the start of a four day weekend which I'm looking forward to spending with the host family, hopefully heading out to the summer house for a few days.
Missing you all,
love Alex.